Sunday, April 19, 2009

Movie: The Little Rascals.

I dont know where to start from. A movie ruled by kids, not more than 5 years and wow they were such a sweet heart rascals. An amazing concept where all these boys are so much annoyed of women that they made their own club "Heman Women Haters club". let me remind you they are not more than 5. They pick up the name of their Driver for the season (A kid again and member of the club) but this lucky boy was busy doing something else. You know what was he doing? he was on a boat with a sweet little girl and both were romancing. WOW.Dailogs so romantic that u get confused if they r actuaaly kids!!!.But he was cought by his club members. Its a start and the movie goes on. Dialogs r so heavey that it seems u r watching few grown up flirting with one another. huh...

Like, he takes her for a date. A candle light "Lunch", he propeses her by placing a ring with heart shaped pendent, in dessert. wow... too much for a 5 year old. But it wont seem to exagarated. they r so sweet that you eill fall in lovewith those little rascals....

You know what they had their own court. they were firemen too. That girl dumps him and moves with other rich kid. you know what reason she gave, that he is ashamed of her, coz he didnt want his club members to see her. So matured but actually so childish.  Such a sweet movie and so sweet rascals!!!

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